2013. március 2., szombat

John Assaraf-Murray Smith: The Answer

Surely you remember from The Secret the black-haired, exotic-looking John Assaraf, who is now in this book tells the story of his success, and he talks about how Achieve financial independence.
During the financial freedom you understand that you get out of the treadmill and do not work for money, but also vice versa. Well, I guess you can animate the idea that to be enough money each month to pay bills can easily get a good quality, can eat healthy food, and entertainment, culture can get.
These are very legitimate requests, but even if the same and in the same way you do your thing in your life, then the same result is going to get, so if you are really who you want to mix the treadmill, then another way to think and act n is a different way of life must continue. Therefore Assaraf and Smith's book is not to employees and non-employee about life, because this time the actors / directors of the target group. And now you can say that you do not want to be entrepreneurs, but also continue to work as an employee - if you have a job at all - but just want to earn more money.
The problem with this, if you want more income, then life will change in ways Automatica, that is probably more responsible will be charged to your shoulder and you'll be in contact with more people who have to sell yourself. In essence, this is the room for entrepreneurship because entrepreneurs are doing the same thing every day, but they do not exactly their boss. So, if there's anything you want to be successful, it will eventually have to become an entrepreneur.
The pair Assaraf and Smith's book shows you how to be more successful that later on in your leading an independent enterprise, are also the authors of the proposals.
The reply on the Law of Attraction is different from the other members of the series, as the books of spiritual books, and a mixture of American success, so much földközelibb.
The two authors has been an excellent relationship with each other, not only business partners but also good friends, despite the fact that two completely different worlds they represent. This is also reflected in the way the book was written: while John Assaraf and spirituality on the Law of Attraction is required, while the cégvezetésről and Murray Smith on ügyfélszerzésről of charge.
If you think that the two authors golden spoon in his mouth was, then you're wrong, because they both specifically disadvantaged in expecting John Assaraf parents of Arab immigrants who were Toronto one of the ghetto established, and the boy in the street gang known if it screws Gott, the only basketball given meaning to his life. Finally, the Re / Max real estate companies have sales (the company is also present in our country), and therefore wealthy.
Murray Smith grew up in Toronto where it soon becomes clear that learning difficulties, mild intellectual disability is therefore declared that practically meant that he did not expect much after that. At first indeed not very inspiring work done, and then ended up with a phone company, where he realized that his bosses are not much smarter than him. He has grown so from here, but also helped many companies get out of kátyúból.
Both authors talk about in more detail about his life and successes of the early parts of them, which is important because the success of the first biography to learn from the best, since they are essentially patterns, or even references.
The A somewhat different perspective on the Law of Attraction, as in previous books. Indeed, the evidence shows specifically Assaraf of psychology to the law's operation. It is understand that the book will show you how to emerge and unfold the wishes of the brain, and what brain areas responsible for bevésődésekért, for confirmation. The reply also presents briefly the functioning of the brain, as well as the difference between the conscious and the unconscious mind of. All this is very important to understand.
They understood the psychology of the hardest parts of the book, so it is worth several times nekifutnod to really come down.
Otherwise, Jose Silva Mind control is like writing in his book, and John Assaraf Agykontrollos programming method is similar to, but of course Assaraf does not mention in the book of the Silva method.
The answer, it does not tell you to go down to Alpha, you meditate, because that is not important! The bottom line is that your thoughts have frequency, which is where a high, sometimes low frequency, depending on the positive or negative direction. It is also important to understand that every action is preceded by a thought, even if it is unconscious.
Assaraf says, therefore, to not only think, but if you feel compelled to something, you can get started!
In case you do not have specific goals, you will not be disappointed with this book you will find tasks that enhance your self-awareness, which is essential to the objective. Assaraf If you answer the questions, you will see more clearly, so you might want to take time for questions.
If you already have your goal and now CEO / or sole proprietorships, and want to move forward, it is somewhat easier situation or because at least you know where you are going. In this case, the second half of the book is likely to be more important to you - that is what is written by Murray Smith - but Assaraf also gives advice to entrepreneurs under the spiritual and psychological texts.
The part is written by Murray Smith absolute spirituality does not deal only practical advice, such income plan, defining your ideal customer and finding a unique selling quotation, which evokes emotions in the prospective buyer / partner in business. All this is accompanied by a number of case studies, that the foregoing is more understandable.
Appendix at the end of the book provide further assistance to sales and marketing.

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